Even with good insurance from your employer, you’re most likely paying a larger share of your medical expenses than in the past – $11,600 for the average family in 2017, according to the Milliman Medical Index. A growing portion of that cost accrues during the year, from deductibles, co-payments and coinsurance – which now account for $4,534 of the average family’s expenses. The median deductible for in-network care charged by large employers is $1,300 for employee-only coverage and $3,000 for families, according to the National Business Group on Health.
Particularly now, when many workers are re-upping benefits choices during open enrollment, there are plenty of moves you can make to take charge of your health care costs and save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. Insurers and employers are offering more tools and resources to make it easier to compare costs for tests, procedures and drugs.
Whether you get insurance from your employer, via Medicare or on your own through the insurance marketplaces, these strategies will help you save.